"A wonderful cast explores what
happens when the heroics are over and the hero returns home … Happy
voyaging!" "A unique start-up company is staging
ambitious fare ... Natural Theatricals should be applauded for successfully
bringing a difficult work to light." "The grandeur of the amphitheatre
adds greatly to the majesty of this production!" CAST DESIGNERS
As much as we claim to wish to improve our knowledge, often there is information that we wish not to know. Personal information, or details that we care not to acknowledge — it does not matter which — for until man learns to seek truth without letting personal judgments cloud them, we will never understand the truths for what they are: a path to enlightenment. Science without a spiritual side hides too much, and spiritual matters pursued without regard to investigating the practical puzzles that have been laid out for us is just as much a folly. This wonderful work that Mr. MacLeish left us has our
heroes seeking truths. To me, anyone who is brave enough to explore truth
and destiny is a hero, for to face questions and answers (or no answer)
is brave, to accept and never question is folly. Do the gods, or does
God, make our destiny? Or do our choices, whatever they are, give us our
due? |